Growing in Faith: Trust and Confidence

Our whole lives are a growing in faith, from the beginning of faith (when we are born again) to the end of faith (Romans 1:17). And the word of faith is in our mouth and heart (Romans 10:8-11). We can learn to run to God as our refuge because we know that he loves us and always has his arms open wide. We can learn to cling to God’s promises and seek Him for help in any time of need like Daniel and his friends did in Daniel 2. We can learn to “lean not our own understanding” like Elijah did when he tried to run away from God in 1 Kings 19. We can learn to get our mouth and heart coordinated when we are the most discouraged so we can hear that still small voice to show us where the lies are and how to get away from only looking at ourselves. God is our “rescue story.”