Great is Thy Faithfulness

The basic idea of faithfulness is firmness or certainty. “The core of this Hebrew concept is firmness, reliability or steadfastness. To believe is to hold on to something firmly, with conviction and confidence. It is implied that steadfastness is sought in the object believed, and in laying hold of the object, the believer himself will…

Zealous for Good Works

  There are personal works that God has prepared as well as works for all his children such as the manifestations of the spirit. They are always GOOD works to do. What are some of the things we can focus and be committed to doing? 1. Prayer 2. Giving 3. Thanksgiving 4. Acts of Service…

Captain of Salvation

The names and titles of Jesus Christ show not only what he has accomplished but also what he is doing today. Seated at right hand of God means he has all authority, but also that he is carrying out God’s will as his CEO (chief executive officer). He has given us his name to use…

Power in the Name of Jesus Christ – Part 1

Jesus’ names and titles show what he has accomplished, but also what he is doing today and how he functions in the church. The first name we looked at is “the Breaker.” Micah 2:13 The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out…

Power in the Name of Jesus Christ – Part 2

The Shepherd The shepherd tends the flock by leading them to a place of pasture and quiet water so the sheep can be free to rest. Then he takes care of, protects and heals them if necessary. Psalms 23:1 says the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want and John 10:11 says Jesus is…

Forbearing One Another

…And hold up one another in love (Ephesians 4:2) There are four aspects of forbearance to consider: HOLD ONTO – sustain, assist, give strength to HOLDING UP – with hope as an anchor to our soul HOLDING BACK – as God does with us HOLDING ON – endure Ephesians 4:15 But we should be steadfast…

In Your Strength

David was a king, yet he acknowledged that everything he had, all his strength was in God. It was his strength and song. We are strengthened today because of our connection to God and the Lord Jesus Christ. This teaching is a short word study on the Hebrew word OZ. The word picture for oz…

Watching and Waiting

What does it mean to look to God? There are 19 different Hebrew words and at least 19 different Greek words that are translated “look.” In this teaching, we concentrated on two principles: watching and waiting. We watch carefully, and earnestly looking for the answer from God, like a spy seeking for the clues. Then…

Oh the Blessedness

How do we continue to have joy in our lives sometimes despite the circumstances? The Hebrew for “blessed” comes from a root verb that means to go straight forward, proceed on a path. To be blessed a person has to do something, then he gets something from God in return (a benefit or promise). Five…