
Paranomasia means simply, rhyming words. We would call it word-play. Many of the sayings of Jesus and the parables have this figure of speech. When you know what the rhyming words are in Aramaic, then you can see what is emphasized in the passage. The example used in this article in the parable of the Lost Sheep. The key words are “one” khad and “joy” khedwa. There is joy over the one sinner that repents.

Matt 18:12,13:
If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray (wekhad minnehon taey)
And if so be that he find it … he rejoices (khadey) more over that sheep than of the ninety-nine that went not astray (dela taain)

Luke 15:7: Likewise joy (khedwa) shall be in heaven over one sinner (kheda khatya) that repents.

Khatya and tae also rhyme — gone astray and sinner.

The emphasis is that finding ONE sinner that repents causes great JOY!! Truly the Lord is a good shepherd and continues to search out the lost. There is great rejoicing in heaven when one comes back to the fold.

Another paranomasia is in Matthew 6:28,29: Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow (shabhekhin)… even Solomon in all his glory (teshbokhteh) was not arrayed like one of these… Consider the ravens (orebhin)… and God feeds (merabbe) them. And which of you with taking thought (yaseph) can add to (oseph) his stature one cubit.

Mark 11:17:
My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer (beth tzelutha yithqere) But ye have made it a den of thieve (mearta delestin).
Prayer is contrasted with thieves.
Luke 12:33:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…where no thief approacheth (qarebh), neither moth (ruqba) corrupeth (marqebh).
Luke 22:36:
For I say unto you, that his that is written accomplished in me (limesaph bi) …For the things concerning me have an end (diledili supha)…It is enough (sepheq).
Luke 12:32:
Fear not, little flock (maritha)
For it is your Father’s good pleasure (derae abukhon) to give you the kingdom.