

The armor of God is a popular topic, particularly for Sunday School lessons. But why is this concept so vital to the Christian walk? The idea of fighting in a war with armor on is very appealing, as illustrated by the cartoons with Super Heroes like Iron Man and Wonder Woman, but what does it really mean and what is the actual war?

I had been a Christian for a number of years and had seen miracles and healing on numerous occasions. But then in seemingly similar situations, I did not witness the same victorious results. Questioning and pondering the reasons for this led me to extensively study the armor of God and to learn about spiritual warfare. I have found the field to be rich with positive teaching, but also that many people had the same questions as I did about engaging in this warfare. It was never my intention to write another book on the topic of spiritual warfare when there were already so many good resources, contributed by very knowledgeable workmen of God’s Word. Yet these unanswered questions regarding how to walk in victory led me to dig into God’s Word for understanding and direction. This book is the result of much of that research.

As God graciously unfolded some key understanding in my heart, I began to see that there was a need for every Christian who wanted to walk in victory to master this topic and to learn how the armor is applied in the Christian life.

There are two main areas that this study will clarify:

  1. The action believers are responsible for and what is provided in our power base in Christ.
  2. The nature of the spiritual warfare and the Enemy’s strategy.

God always causes us to triumph in Christ. Old things are passed away and all things have become new. We are filled with the love of God and the Spirit of Christ. Since this is true, why should we learn about the armor of God?

The answer to this question will unfold as we carefully study the scriptures that are set forth in Ephesians 6, the passage that describes in detail the armor of God. This passage is not an isolated illustration of a soldier, but a summary of all of who we are in Christ and must be understood in light of the conduct (walk) to which God calls every believer.

God’s plan of salvation is fulfilled in Christ and now everyone who believes on Christ has received an overwhelming victory in him.

Romans 8:37 NASB But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.

This victory is won, but it needs to be appropriated into our lives on a day by day basis. In order to appropriate the victory, we need to put on the whole armor of God. This is necessary for every believer to do, so it is critical for us to understand more about HOW we are to fight in the battle.

We ARE at war and the warfare is spiritual!

Ephesians 6:10 KJV Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

“The power of his might” is a synopsis of all that God has made available to us in our Lord Jesus Christ. To put on the whole armor of God is to be clothed with HIS power in practical application. Understanding the armor enables us to determine what we need to do with what we have been given to be victorious in the struggle against the principalities and powers on high.

God has vast resources of might that we can put into operation in our lives. But his might does not work in me as I sit passively. His might works in me only as I rely on it and step out to do my part. Which is my part and which is HIS? Now is the time to learn what God says we should do and what he has already done in Christ.

I invite you to prayerfully consider the following pages to learn how to practically apply the armor of God to win victories not only for yourself, but for your family and fellow believers in the body of Christ.