We provide information regarding customs, figures of speech, and the Aramaic text of the New Testament, in order that the Bible may be understood more clearly.
Janet Magiera is an ordained minister and the founder of Light of the Word Ministry, a ministry dedicated to teaching and making known the understanding of the Aramaic language, figures of speech and customs of the Bible. In 1979, under the tutelage of a student of Dr. George M. Lamsa, Jan began pursuing a course of study of the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament. For over 45 years, she has taught in Bible fellowships and churches in the United States and other countries, using insight from her understanding of the biblical languages.
Jan began compiling a database of the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament in the early 1990’s. As computer technology increased over the years, she expanded and developed the database to generate a series of research tools to study the New Testament. The entire database originally was developed as a software module for BibleWorks, which is no longer available for purchase. The database can now be searched online at www.aramaicdb.org. In 2006, The Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation was published as the first book of a complete Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Library. The library includes an interlinear, lexicon, concordance and parallel translations. There is an app of the Aramaic translation on both Apple and Google, and there are various electronic versions of her books.